► Supported Airframes:
- Traditional fixed wing, Elevon, and V-tail planes
- Tricopter, Quadcopter, and Hexacopter multirotors
► Recommended Airframes: the Vector is not recommended for large or heavy airframes, due to no or limited testing on these types of models at this time. Examples: giant scale fixed wing models, turbines, or multirotors larger than 650mm are not recommended.
► Video formats: composite NTSC and PAL (autodetect)
► Dimensions (L x W x H, approximate):
- Controller: 65mm x 33mm x 14mm
- GPS/Mag: 35mm x 24mm x 15mm
- Current Sensor/PSU (with Deans™): 42mm x 19mm x 18mm
► Weight (approximate):
- Controller: 21g
- GPS/Mag: 13g
- Current Sensor/PSU (with Deans™): 15g
► Current Sensor/PSU
- Peak measured current: 140 amps (see section 3.4)
- Max pack voltage: 6s/25.2V
- Maximum 12V PSU current: 1A
- Maximum 5V PSU current: 1A
► Includes:
- Vector Controller
- Vector GPS/Mag
- Current Sensor/PSU
- Reciever harness cable
- GPS harness cable
- Audio cable
- Video cable
- GPS stand